
Showing posts from April, 2018

Dare to Walk On Water: Transformed by God

 DARE TO WALK ON WATER “I’ve been changed.   I’m newborn now.   All my life has been rearranged,” says the old gospel song written by Mosie Lister.    But spiritual transformation doesn’t mean the sudden appearance of a third Cyclopic eye in the middle of one’s forehead or the immediate ability to memorize vast amounts of Scripture.   Instead, spiritual change transforms sloth into zeal, hate into love, gluttony into self-control, vexation into contentment, and greed into generosity. “Dare to Walk on Water: Transformed by God” shares fifty-two changes which ought to take place in the life of every believer.   DARE to experience what Paul describes as “being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit” (II Cor. 3:18). “52 Dares to be Transformed by God,” the second book in the Dare to Walk on Water series, is now available on Amazon either as an Ebook or a paperback.   Order your copy today and DARE to see God