
Showing posts from August, 2018


Have you taken a good look at your idol shelf recently? You don’t have one? Check again! “Each one of us has created in our own minds an image of God.” (Dare to Walk on Water: Treasuring God). Psalm 50:21 says “You thought that I was just like you.” Look at your idol shelf and dare to destroy the God you have created in your own mind. GOD IN YOUR OWN IMAGE When the Psalmist says that we thought God was just like us he is telling us that we have endowed Him with human attributes. But God is not just like us. He is a totally Other Being whom our minds will never completely comprehend. He shares none of our limitations and none of our failings. GOD IN YOUR FATHER’S IMAGE You have a wonderful father. That is great. But he is not perfect like God. He is not wise like God. He is not infinite like God. You have a terrible father. That is tragic. But God is not like him. God is loving, merciful, compassionate and just. GOD IN AMERICA’S IMAGE It has been said that