
Showing posts from December, 2019

Creative Resolutions

During this new year—let’s be mythbusters! Let’s lay to rest forever the myth that we cannot do anything creative for God.   Destroy the myth.   Blow it to smithereens (whatever smithereens are). What could be more inanimate and less creative than a rock?   A rock can’t sing.   Boulders cannot play basketball.   Pebbles will never give a speech.   We can skip a rock, but a rock can’t skip.   Yet Christ chose a rock to demonstrate what He can do through anything which serves Him.   When the Pharisees told Him to silence His disciples He replied, “I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” (Luke 19:40). The stones will cry out.   Rocks will praise Him.   Pebbles will serve Him.   Lumps of clay will become vessels of honor.   Wait a minute—that’s what the Apostle Paul said in Romans 9:21.   The Apostle Peter called us “living stones” and said our job is to offer “spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God” (I Peter 2:5). My father kept six cans of rocks turn