
Showing posts from May, 2020

Concerts of Prayer

CONCERTS OF PRAYER Our youngest came home excited to share the depths of his first grade knowledge.   “Did you know that in George Washington’s day they only had black and white TVs?”   He might as well have said, “In Washington’s day they had prayer meeting.” For many people prayer meeting has gone the way of the Edsel and the silent movie. Midweek prayer meetings have vanished like the ghost of Christmas past. Other good church programs occupy the time slots formerly designated for corporate supplication and petition. Family altars have entered the realm of myth and mystery. It doesn’t have to be that way. Reviving the prayer meeting can be accomplished through spiritual resuscitation. Concerted corporate devotions, or Concerts of Prayer can once again become the furnace which provides passion and heat for your congregation.   Here are some ideas for implementing such events. 1.         Plan a service of prayer for elected officials.   Read together I Timothy 2:1-4. Prepa