
Showing posts from October, 2020

Creative Memories

  Creative Memories             The 9/11 Memorial Project, completed in 2011 stands as a reminder of the thousands who died in the attack on the World Trade Center.   It contains a museum, a park, a performing arts center, two large pools and the largest man-made waterfall in the world, but it is not the largest memorial ever created.             The largest war memorial in the world, dedicated to those who lost their lives in the Korean Conflict, is the Korean War Memorial.   Six indoor halls as well as outdoor displays of war artifacts create a massive structure, but the Korean War Memorial is not the largest monument ever created in memory of those who have died.             The Holocaust memorial in Berlin covers almost five acres and consists entirely of concrete slabs commemorating the millions of Jews killed by the Nazi war machine.   As a silent testimony of man’s inhumanity to man, it evokes an emotional reaction almost too horrible to bear, but it is not the largest m


  As counterintuitive as it may seem, recent disappointments in those who have been religious leaders has had the effect of strengthening my faith. Here’s why. Becoming aware of the failures of others has reminded me of my own weakness. That has strengthened my faith by reminding me of my constant need for dependence upon the power of God rather than my own abilities. “Our sufficiency is of God” II Cor. 3:5. Recent disappointments have served to remind me of past disappointments with men. That has strengthened my faith by reminding me of the necessity of placing my hope in God rather than in people. “Put not your trust in princes.” Psalm 146:3. Recent events have reminded me of my personal disappointment with myself, my failure to be diligent in prayer for others. My faith has been strengthened by the encouragement to uphold local church leadership and others I know in prayer. “Pray for us.” Hebrews 13:18. My disappointment in others has reminded me of my own personal disap