
Showing posts from November, 2020

Thanksgiving Quiz 2020

  THANKSGIVING QUIZ 2020 1.       What Old Testament leader organized two large choirs to march across the top of the wall of Jerusalem giving thanks?                     Nehemiah 2.       How many women were at the first Thanksgiving celebration?   Five 3.       Which President declared two Thanksgivings in one year? James Madison 4.       What Native American tribe celebrated the first Thanksgiving with the Pilgrims? The Wampanoag 5.       What kind of pie would most Americans prefer on Thanksgiving?   Apple 6.       What year was the celebration that is most commonly considered to be the first Thanksgiving?   1621 7.       What did God create   to be received with Thanksgiving according to I Timothy 4:3?   Meats 8.       What is the wobbly red piece of flesh on top of the turkey beak called?   A snood 9.       What state raises the most turkeys?   Minnesota 10.   What culture came up with the idea of a cornucopia, or horn of plenty?   Greek 11.   Name the c