
Showing posts from September, 2021

Creative Bible Reading

 Many of us have used yearly Read-through-the-Bible plans and completed reading the Bible in twelve months. This year my wife has used a Chronological Bible and read through the entire Bible in order of events. Here are some additional creative ways to vary your reading plans and add both a challenge and a greater understanding to your daily devotions. The BOOK OF THE MONTH challenge. Take one of the epistles and read through the entire book once every day for a month. You will find your understanding and appreciation for that book increase exponentially. The NEW TESTAMENT IN A MONTH challenge. By reading just eight chapters a day you can read through the entire New Testament in a month. The Gospels, Acts, Epistles and Revelation will come alive. The BOOK A DAY challenge. The Bible has sixty-six books. Challenge yourself to commit the time necessary to read a complete book every day for sixty-six days. I have done this for the first time this year. While I admit I probably have more ti

Bane or Blessing

  Today some people are happy while others are sad. Today some people are grieving while others are rejoicing. The same rain which ruins one person’s picnic plans may gladden the heart of the gardener. When the price of lumber suddenly jumped from approximately $400.00 for a thousand board feet to more than $1600.00, there were many who felt the impact of that price increase. Building slowed down as prices rose astronomically. For one ministry institution, however, the price increase became not a bane but a blessing. When Forrest Compton donated sixty-five acres to the Missionary Retreat Fellowship in 1965, the land included mature red oak trees. Suddenly those trees had become extremely valuable. Harvesting them provided funds to upgrade housing for missionaries, which is the mission of the Missionary Retreat Fellowship. God had been growing those trees for more an two hundred years in order to provide support in an additional way for this ministry to aid His workers while t


  Revival! We need it. We long for it. We pray for it. Do we know what it would look like? “Megachurch: World-wide Revival” explores that question with a look into the future. The novel suggests what a revival might look like in Afghanistan, Denver, Chicago, and Kansas City. How will it be affected by culture, music, sports and preaching? You will be encouraged by the possibilities suggested in this exciting story. “Sunday In New York” explores that question with a look into the past. The novel takes you inside a revival in New York   City, led by Evangelist Billy Sunday in 1917. Thrill to the account of the work of God the Holy Spirit as nearly 100,000 people walked the “Sawdust Trail” over the course of ten weeks.   You will be encouraged by the historical narration of this exciting story. Purchase “Megachurch” at the list price of $17.00 and I will pay the postage. Purchase “Sunday In New York” at the list price of $11.95 and I will pay the postage. Both can be ordered