
Showing posts from December, 2021

Creative Steeples

  The summer after my freshman year in Bible college, Dwight Turbett and I worked for a church in Little Rock, Arkansas. They had purchased their building from a night club. In order to make certain the neighborhood knew that it was now a church they erected a steeple in the form of a large hand pointing toward heaven. We spent our summer canvassing that section of town, inviting people to the “Church with the hand pointing heavenward.” Many years later I preached at First Baptist Church of New York City, at the invitation of Pastor Richard Burke. He had been my speech teacher in college. The church edifice at 79 th and Broadway was built in 1891. Though not technically steeples, the two unequal towers over the entrance to the auditorium are full of Biblical symbolism. The taller tower represents Christ as the Light of the world. The lower tower, which seems to be incomplete, represents the Church, which will remain incomplete until the return of Christ. Dr. I. M. Haldeman, who


  Moses, the psalmist, wrote, “Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children.” (Psalm 90:16) How does that happen? How do those of us who have seen the work of the Lord in our lives reveal His glory to our children? Marc Moffitt took the psalmist literally when he began to share with his children and grandchildren the work of God in his life. First as emails, and then on a website set up by his son Andrew, Marc recalled incidents from his life and wrote them up in short segments. These were sent to children and grandchildren, often every day, for more than a year. When she saw how much the family appreciated the notes, his wife Jeanne decided to add pictures to the memories. These eventually became a book which covered Marc’s earliest memories right up to the present time. Families received a copy of the book for Christmas. “The posts, in part, were a desire to communicate to my children and grandchildren God’s gracious, patient, and continuing work


  Arthur Allen wrote a short biographical book in 1986 after retiring as Executive Secretary of the Minnesota Baptist Association. I have taken that small volume and enlarged it to include more memories and photographs of his life and ministry. Dad was active in the organization and development of more than sixty-four churches in Montana, Wyoming, South Dakota and Minnesota. He served as Field Director for the Intermountain Baptist Fellowship as well as Executive Secretary of the MBA. During his years of ministry he led twenty-nine tours to Bible lands. A heart for youth led to camp work in many different locations. He taught in Bible colleges and seminary, edited the North Star Baptist magazine, wrote tracts, pamphlets and books. He loved to hunt and collect rocks while using both of those hobbies as means of witness for his Lord. “Still Climbing” can be purchased as a paperback with black and white photographs or as an ebook on Amazon with color photographs. The paperback costs


“Adolf Hitler was possessed by the Devil to accomplish and empower him for his purposes.” This statement by David Sorenson epitomizes the thesis of his new book, “Empowered by the Devil.” A life-long student of WWII history, Sorenson focuses throughout the book on the impact which the occult and Satan himself had on one of the most evil men of the twentieth century. By his own record Sorenson read over one hundred books on WWII in preparation for this volume. Researching the historical records of that time in history has been a hobby for many years. “There is definite historical evidence of Hitler’s involvement in the occult early in his career, and other occultists claimed him as one of their own,” writes David. This fascinating approach to an understanding of the impetus for Hitler’s persecution of the Jewish people finds its culmination in the re-birth of the State of Israel as one of the major long-lasting results of the war. God is still able to bring triumph out of trag