
Showing posts from April, 2022


  Twenty Years With Billy Sunday , by Homer Rodeheaver occupies a prominent place among the many volumes about Baseball Evangelist Billy Sunday which I have collected over the years. But I can’t really say that I understood Homer Rodeheaver until I read the new book Homer Rodeheaver and the Rise of the Gospel Music Industry by Kevin Mungons and Doug Yeo. I knew of his years with Sunday, but almost nothing about the tremendous influence of his career on gospel music in general. “Researchers treated contemporary church music as if it were a “big bang” that came out of nowhere in the 1970s,” writes Mungons. “I knew better—and started searching for the roots of change.” He found them in the person of Homer Rodeheaver. During his research he came in contact with Doug Yeo, former bass trombonist for the Boston Symphony who taught at Wheaton College and Arizona State University and was asking the same questions of archivists. Together they wrote a historical volume which I thoroughly e


  Matthew 28:6-7 reminds us that the entire Christian experience can be summed up in four words: Come see—Go tell! Every person who has ever lived needs to come see the risen Christ. Salvation is based on our faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ, His death and burial and resurrection. All are invited to come to Him and those who come will find eternal life through forgiveness of sin. Once people have come to Christ, they have the responsibility to go tell! This is the part of Christian experience where I see the great opportunity for creativity. The means of telling, or sharing, the Gospel are nearly limitless in the age in which we live. We can tell the story of Christ and His love through teaching and preaching. But the message can also be shared through film, storytelling, painting, music, poetry, biographies, podcasts, blogs, drama, television, radio, fiction, humor, service, sculpture and a myriad of other creative means. Encouraging such Creative Christianity has


  Many of us have enjoyed the YouVersion Bible app available online. But did you know that it includes a daily Bible study video just for kids called “Kids Bible Experience”? I became aware of that recently when our son Christopher was asked to contribute to that project. Along with others he is called on several times a month to prepare a short video which focuses in on a specific verse and helps kids understand what it means.   His next video will be posted on April 16. Just go to the Bible app, scroll down to Kids Bible Experience and enjoy. If you would like to see some of the previous videos he has prepared for the Bible app they can be viewed by going to the Bible app, clicking on Discover and then searching for “Eagle Brook.” Chris writes curriculum for Eagle Brook Church in Minnesota.   Scroll down to Videos and you will see past lessons he has prepared for Kids Bible Experience and Elevate. Now that you know about Kids Bible Experience, share it with someone else—espec