
Showing posts from June, 2022


  After an attack on the U.S. Capitol, the May19 Terrorist Group turns its attention to initiating the explosion of the super volcano in Yellowstone National Park. The purpose of the attack is to discredit President Ronald Reagan and prevent his re-election. A Native American girl running for Governor of Montana and the pianist for a Southern Gospel Quartet foil the plot during a revival week in Elk Lodge, Montana. They also fall in love, but he returns to Washington, D.C., to enter the F.B.I. Academy and she follows the campaign trail in Big Sky Country. A mutual love for the mountains, a gift of Montana creek water, and an assignment from the White House brings them together. Revival in the Rockies describes a unique political race in Montana featuring a godly Native American candidate. The history and culture of the Reagan era provides the background. Humor, interesting characters, mystery, and adventure keep you guessing. Justice prevails only to provoke another twist in the


  No greater evidence of Darwin’s Theory of Evolution exists than the four faces of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. The mountain on which those faces appear demonstrates the survival of the fittest rock in the world. A close second is the still evolving Crazy Horse Monument, proof of genetic drift in a finite population. On a recent visit to this famous evolutionary site, we were presented with obviously religious pamphlets claiming that a certain Gutzon Borglum created the faces. Nothing could be further from the truth. Scientists ever since Darwin have documented the effects of rain, snow, sleet, hail, and earthquakes on developing rock. Their conclusions have moved evolution from theory to fact. Here is what really happened on Mount Rushmore. Millions of years ago, a rock on the face of the mountain refused to yield to the pressure of erosion and the nose of George Washington appeared through natural selection. The surrounding rocks took notice and over the next millennium, li


  Camping season is underway across the nation. At Ironwood Springs, director Bob Bardwell continues to run one of the most unique programs anywhere. This past week the camp welcomed campers to their 36 th Annual Wheelchair Sports Camp. Only Bob would think of combining wheelchairs and sports, something he has been doing since his accident back in the 70s. This week campers from age seven to seventy and from fifteen states came to the Wheelchair Sports Camp, making it the largest such camp in the nation. Their theme was taken from Galatians 6:9. “Don’t Quit, Finish Strong.” Ironwood Ranch includes one hundred and twenty acres, a Miracle Lodge and facilities for hundreds of campers. Three new cabins are under construction this summer. Camper Melissa Sween gives testimony to the transformation experienced by those who attend. “I met Bob at the largest wheelchair race in the nation,” she writes. “He told me about the wheelchair camp, so I came to Minnesota from Eugene, Oregon. I


Sometimes the greatest mission field is in your own backyard. I took Andrew Gamble on his first mission trip to India when I was a pastor in Nebraska. He later returned on his own for a second trip. Now he and his wife Megan have become part of a missionary endeavor in their own backyard as it were, right in Nebraska. Andrew and Megan Gamble are working with Juniper Refuge. Andrew serves as a mentor for refugee families and Megan helps with the English Program. The largest Yazidi refugee population in the United States lived in Lincoln, Nebraska. The Yazidi come from northern Iraq. Their goal is to establish cross-cultural relationships and proclaim the Gospel. To do that, they will cooperate with already established ministries to refugee populations in Lincoln as well as ministry in the local church. The Gambles serve under CMN, the Commission Minister’s Network, founded by Rick Malm. The influx of refugees to the United States has created many opportunities of ministry in o


  It all began with a “Manifesto of Christian Creativity” 200 posts ago. Feel free to copy, share, forward or print the Manifesto to share with others as we continue to encourage Christian Creativity. MANIFESTO OF CHRISTIAN CREATIVITY “In the beginning, God created…” What could be more God-like than joining Him in the very first action of God recorded in scripture? Creativity! Being a Christian means being like God. The purpose of the Christian life is to be transformed into the image of His Son. We are saved by His grace, and we grow through His indwelling presence. We desire to please Him in all things, and we live in obedience to His Word. But instead, what do we run into when we get saved? Almost immediately we meet those who claim that every Christian must be identical. We are to look alike, think alike, dress alike, walk alike, grow alike, vote alike and act alike. And is that being like God? Where did we ever get that idea? God is the one whose thoughts are not our