
Showing posts from August, 2022


 I had the privilege of serving under Dr. Alan Potter when he was President of Pillsbury Baptist Bible College. He is presently the director of Shepherd’s Network, a ministry of The Shepherd’s Church in Cary, North Carolina. The goal of Shepherd’s Network is to establish independent local churches which function in accordance with four values. Those values are (1) committed to theology, (2) celebrating community, (3) cherishing Deity, and (4) connected to humanity. Since its inception five years ago, twenty such churches have been planted in seven states. Each planter is supported full time so they can direct all their attention to the new work. They are given up to three years to complete the task. Currently seven men he is working with are establishing works in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina and Texas. Dr. Potter serves as a mentor to each new work and provides ministry advice, strategic planning and legal help. “When we plant a church we seek to


  While directing plays at Pillsbury Baptist Bible College, some of the best sets I ever saw were designed and constructed by Tim Graf when he was a student. Tim has developed that skill into a deliberate bi-vocational ministry over the past twenty years. In 2002 he moved to Grand Rapids, Minnesota, with a two-fold goal. He and his family began Nature’s Edge Construction and Northland Bible Baptist Church. Many people see bi-vocational ministry as a job which enables a pastor to do the important work of the church. Tim has come to see both his construction work and the church work as equal ministries to which God has directed him. People who are not from the church stop in at the Cabinet shop to ask theological questions. Four families have joined Northland Church as a direct result of construction work done in their homes. Many others have visited the church, including contractors and home owners. Northland Bible Baptist Church has their own building on fourteen acres of land.


      GENESIS A Narrative Exposition Robert A. Allen INTRODUCTION               The story of Genesis deserves to be read and studied as a narrative. It is the stories, biographical and historical, which drive the themes of the book. Overarching all of the other stories, Genesis is God’s story. He introduces Himself to mankind through creation, judgment, mercy, longsuffering, and providence. We can understand and appreciate the attributes of God through His interaction with His entire creation, and in particular, man. By focusing on the narrative, this book provides an exposition of the entire book in a style which captures attention, brings the historical events to life, and remains faithful to the text. Originally designed as an oral presentation, “Genesis, a Narrative Exposition” develops stories through both dialogue and narration. The characters speak in their own words, react in accordance with their own feelings, and share the story of scripture through their o


 Working with Chinese students at Ball State University has brought my sister, Peggy Cadwell, into contact with many Chinese families as well. Many of them are communists, since anyone who teaches in China must belong to the Party. One of these families, visiting in Muncie, wanted their young son to experience American education and placed him in Heritage Christian School for a week. Seeing all the other students with Bibles caused him to ask for one for himself. Peggy was glad to honor that request. She searched for a children’s Bible with lots of pictures and a colorful cover, but was disappointed when all she could find was a Bible with a solid black cover. The boy eagerly accepted the Bible  and started to read constantly. When it came time for the family to return to China, the boy brought the book back to Peggy. “No,” she said, “it’s yours. I want you to have it as a gift.” The boy turned to his father for permission and the Chinese professor hesitated, knowing it would probably

Book List from The Bible Story Family

  THE BIBLE STORY FAMILY BOOK LIST All books are available on or from The Bible Story Family, PO Box 28342, Minneapolis, Mn 55428   Sunday in NewYork     A novel. The 1917 Billy Sunday New York City revival.             Publisher: CrossLink   Kindle: 4.99    Paperback: 12.95   Revival in the Rockies     A novel. Romance, Revival and Reagan-era intrigue.             Publisher: Wipf and Stock Resource   Kindle: 9.99     Paperback: 16.00   Megachurch A novel. Future world-wide revival.             Publisher: Wipf and Stock Resource Kindle: 9.99      Price: 17.00   Genesis: A Narrative Exposition     Commentary on Genesis in a narrative style.             Publisher: TBSF          Ebook: 9.99                  Paperback: 20.00   Dare to Walk on Water: Transformed by God    Bible study about sanctification.             Publisher: TBSF          Ebook: 7.99                  Paperback: 12.99   Dare to Walk on Water: Serving God             Bible