
Showing posts from November, 2022


  1.     1.   In his Thanksgiving Proclamation of 1864, President Abraham Lincoln referred to Almighty God as _____. b.The Great Disposer of Events 2.      2.   Psalm 7:17 reminds us that the Lord deserves thanks because of _____. c.His righteousness 3.    3.   Paul taught that prayer with thanksgiving would remove ____ (Phil. 4:6) a.          Anxiety 4.      4. Paul taught that thankfulness should accompany the ____ (Col. 3:15) b. Peace of God 5.      5. Psalm 95 asserts that thanksgiving should be communicated through ____. b.          Music and song 6.     6.   Psalm 9 suggest that thanksgiving can be offered by ____. a. Telling of God’s wonderful deeds 7.      7. Old Testament saints were encouraged to go to worship with both thanksgiving and ____ (Psalm 100:4). c.Praise 8.      8. Paul instructed believers to give thanks for _____ (I Tim. 2:1-2) a. Those in authority   9.   9.   Paul told the Ephesian church to be thankful for ____ (Eph.5:

Creative Chaplaincy

  Those who serve in the chaplaincy for our armed forces are, to me, unsung heros of the faith. Since 2018, Stephen Huebscher has served on the USS Princeton, stationed in San Diego, California, as a Navy Chaplain. He oversees all religious functions related to the ship. When they are at sea, Stephen leads worship services and Bible studies. He provides counseling and training on skills needed as an adult, marriage counseling, and suicide prevention. He advises the leadership of the command on morale, morals, and ethics. Becoming a chaplain involved a complicated process which culminated in an in-person interview at the Pentagon. He spent a year in a Chaplain Residency and twelve weeks in officer and chaplain school. “My personal goal for those on my ship is to determine what God is already doing in their lives and help them respond appropriately to Him,” writes Huebscher. “In practice, this means getting to know people and looking for opportunities to speak biblical truth to t