
Showing posts from June, 2023


  My trip of a lifetime began with a riddle posed by my grandson Jacob. “Two fathers and two sons visited the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. But only three people were in the canoe.” Our oldest son Chad invited me to make the trip along with his son. For four days and three nights we portaged and paddled on our way in and out of a campsite on ALLEN LAKE. (It is really there, check the map.) Fish were caught and released, except for those we turned into a delicious meal. The beauty of God’s creation from sunrise to sunset filled us with awe and amazement. The night sounds of unspoiled wilderness entranced us but failed to prevent sleep. Meals were enjoyed in spite of a burn ban. Hours were spent gazing into the ever-changing lake waters, enjoying the travels of minnows, fish, and a caddis fly in the larval stage camouflaging itself by taking possession of a hollow twig. Only at rare moments did we catch glimpses of other human travelers. Downside—I was out-fished


  Ed and Jackie Glenny have just returned from another trip to England. This time they traveled with the choir from Northwestern University, St. Paul. Most of their trips have been part of sabbaticals and leaves of absence for time to do research and work on writing projects. Ed’s most recent book Canon Formation: Tracing the Role of Sub-Collections in the Biblical Canon , was published this year by T&T Clark of London. Baylor University Press published his volume on Amos in the Baylor Handbook of the LXX last year. In 2021 his Handbook on Septuagint Research came out from T&T Clark. An article he wrote will be included in The Dictionary of the New Testament Use of the Old Testament when it comes out this year from Baker in Grand Rapids. The article is “Septuagint Translation of the OT Compared to the NT Use of the OT.” Right now Ed is working on a commentary on I Peter for the Evangelical Exegetical Commentary series with Lexham Press. Ed and Jackie have spent fi


  Those of us approaching our golden years (if you are there you will know what I mean) begin to place increasing value on family connections. We appreciate time with our children, grandchildren, and those siblings who grow old along with us. Without mentioning any ages, three of my brothers-in-law on my wife’s side of the family, arranged for a fishing outing recently. They met in Key West and enjoyed a guided deep-sea adventure. Don Odens has spent his life in ministry, pastoring churches and teaching at Central Baptist Theological Seminary of Minneapolis. He has also spent many months teaching on various mission fields. Jim Odens’ ministry has included both church and missionary endeavors. He has pastored and served as president of a mission board called IGO. Paul Odens went into business at a young age and has successfully built up a clientele in computer technology which involves contact with businesses around the world. All three have influenced my life in positive wa