
Showing posts from December, 2017

Dangers of Devotional Christianity

Dangers of Devotional Christianity             Don’t get me wrong.   Daily devotions are great.   Reading your Bible is wonderful.   Praying is essential to the Christian life.             BUT                  There are dangers which lurk along the path to Grandmother’s house of blessing.   Devotional Christianity can get you lost in the woods.   And the Big Bad Wolf, or in this case the Roaring Lion (I Peter 5:8), will try constantly to lead you astray.             BE VIGILANT                        Avoid these dangers. Danger # 1 - Putting God to sleep.             I know—God never sleeps (Psalm 121:4).   I know!   But even God Himself warns us of this danger.   He inspired the prophet Isaiah to warn His people that their prayers and sacrifices, their meetings and feasts had made Him tired.   “I am weary of bearing them.   When you spread out your hands in prayer, I hide my eyes from you; even when you offer many prayers, I am not listening.” (Isaiah 1

Manifesto of Christian Creativity

  MANIFESTO OF CREATIVE CHRISTIANITY    "In the beginning, God created..." Genesis 1:1         “In the beginning, God created…”             What could be more God-like than joining Him in the very first action of God recorded in scripture?   Creativity!               Being a Christian means being like God.   The purpose of the Christian life is to be transformed into the image of His Son. We are saved by His grace and we grow through His indwelling presence.   We desire to please Him in all things and we live in obedience to His Word.             But what do we run into when we get saved?   Almost immediately we meet those who claim that every Christian must be identical.   We are to look alike, think alike, dress alike, walk alike, grow alike, vote alike and act alike.             And that is being like God?   Where did we ever get that idea?   God is the one whose thoughts are not our thoughts, wh