Manifesto of Christian Creativity




 "In the beginning, God created..."
Genesis 1:1

“In the beginning, God created…”
            What could be more God-like than joining Him in the very first action of God recorded in scripture?  Creativity! 
            Being a Christian means being like God.  The purpose of the Christian life is to be transformed into the image of His Son. We are saved by His grace and we grow through His indwelling presence.  We desire to please Him in all things and we live in obedience to His Word.
            But what do we run into when we get saved?  Almost immediately we meet those who claim that every Christian must be identical.  We are to look alike, think alike, dress alike, walk alike, grow alike, vote alike and act alike.
            And that is being like God?  Where did we ever get that idea?  God is the one whose thoughts are not our thoughts, whose ways are not our ways, who doesn’t look like us, who never ages, and to the best of our knowledge, never votes. 
            God is a God of endless variety.  He created every person who ever lived with unique fingerprints and unique DNA.  He doesn’t produce Christians who look like little automatons dropping off an assembly line.  In fact, He doesn’t have an assembly line.  Every Christian is hand-crafted. “We are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do” (Eph. 2:10 NIV).  Handiwork is not mass produced.  God hand-designed each one of us for creative Christianity.
            Now, before we go any further we need to get something straight.  We are NOT God.  When He created the heavens and the earth He did it out of nothing.  Ex Nihilo!  God simply spoke into existence the universe in which we live.  We cannot do that.  Creativity for one of His creatures instead involves taking what He has already created and fashioning the material, emotional and intellectual worlds in which we live into new forms to the praise of His glory.
A fascinating story from ancient history illustrates the potential of creativity in everyone.  .
Can you imagine three Bill Gates in the same family?  Three Thomas Edisons from one set of parents?  Three William Shakespeares who are brothers?  The three sons of Lamech were three of the most enterprising sons ever to come from one set of parents (see Genesis 4:16-26).

Little Jabel started out with just a few sheep and cows like everyone else.  But Jabel raised the concept of shepherding to the level of managing herds too large for the needs of a single family.  He expanded his enterprise until he had herds that could be slaughtered for purchase by those who were just beginning to live in cities where they couldn’t grow food and raise meat to eat for themselves.  Jabel’s creativity made him the father of Piggly Wiggly, Applebee’s and McDonalds, inventing the concept of merchandizing agricultural products.

Young Jubal loved music.  He used the God-given wisdom he possessed to invent musical instruments, including strings and woodwinds.  From this initial concept of string and wind instruments came all of the variety of musical instruments we know today, from the bassoon to the electric guitar.  Jubal’s creativity made him the father of the U.S. Air Force Band, the Boston Symphony orchestra and New Orleans jazz.  Music is God’s gift to mankind, and He allowed it to develop through the abilities He had given to Jubal.  We still have echoes of his name in words like jubilee and jubilation.

Tubal-Cain could care less about music and food.  He loved to work with his hands.  T-C  advanced society through the invention of tools made out of bronze and iron.  He laid the basis for all manufacturing by inventing tools which could hammer and cut and sharpen. Tubal-Cain’s creativity made him the father of Neuschwanstein Castle and Notre Dame Cathedral, the Stanley Steamer and the BMW, the John Deere tractor and the Apple computer.  The concepts Tubal-Cain originated have come down to us in the form of everything from cooking utensils to modern skyscrapers.

These three sons advanced the progress of civilization by light-years.  God desires that His people contribute to the development of the society in which they live.  He wants us to use our ability to think, our ability to feel, our ability to investigate possible solutions for the good of mankind.  He designed us to be creative Christians.

So how does creativity work?  I am convinced that it should be the ultimate goal of growth in Christ.  When we accept the salvation offered freely to us through the sacrifice of Christ on the cross, we begin to understand and treasure Almighty God.  The indwelling Holy Spirit starts to transform us into the image of Christ through the application of His Word in our lives.  As a result of that transformation we learn what it means to serve God by serving others, to the praise of His glory.  That service to others takes the form of a creative development of all that God gifts to us as His unique handiwork.  Creativity will not look the same for every Christian.  Instead every talent and ability we possess will be used by God in a way which is different from every other person in the entire world.

For far too long we have lived with the idea that the only people who are really serving God are preachers, teachers and missionaries.  We have limited Christian service to the four walls of the church rather than seeing the entire world as a place of creative Christianity.  We have surrendered to Satan huge areas of a world which actually belongs to God.  The Evil one does not deserve dominion over business or entertainment or education or politics or film or sports or media.  Creative Christianity should be actively redeeming those fields for the glory of God.

Looking like Christ has nothing to do with height, weight, hair color, shoe size or age.  God is Spirit, so being made in the image of God must involve characteristics which relate to something other than material likeness.  We are made in His likeness (Genesis 1:27) and are like Him because we possess intellect, emotions and a will.  Becoming a creative Christian doesn’t mean changing our hair color or wearing a certain style of clothing.  Creative Christianity means using our minds, emotions and conscious choices to produce innovations which will bring glory to Him.

God made Adam and Eve in His own image, with creative minds, an intellect which they passed down to their descendants.  He created a human race, capable of composing symphonies and creating computer software and rocketing into outer space.
God created the first couple as moral beings with a conscience and a will able to choose what was good and righteous.  They had the ability to communicate, to talk with God.  They were fully capable of responding to the standards of a holy God, a quality lost in the fall, but restored through faith in Christ.   
Our original parents also possessed emotional capacity.  This ability to love, just like intellect and emotion, was patterned after God Himself.   The two of them, in contrast to all the animal kingdom, had prescient, eternal souls, emotional competency, and God-conscious minds. 
Christian creativity encompasses all that it means to be made in the image of God.  God has called us, Christ has redeemed us and the Holy Spirit indwells us in order to transform us into that original image lost in the fall. 
Creative intellect engages our minds in a constant endeavor,  that of discovering the potential of the raw materials God has placed in our environment and inventing innovative systems for the betterment of the human race.  Those raw materials include not only the elements, but also language and math, medicine and logic, literature and philosophy.
Creative emotion necessitates interaction with God and our fellow man.  Learning to treasure God, we internalize all of those qualities which find their perfection in Him.  As the Holy Spirit transforms us we direct our effort toward utilizing those Godly emotions in service to others.  We dedicate ourselves to demonstrating God’s love and the fruit of the Spirit and the compassion of Christ to the benefit of all mankind.
Creative will evokes a life settled on total obedience to His purposes.  But His purpose for each one is unique, so doing the will of God will look different in every Christian.  We can and should be creatively obedient.  To that end we study, understand, apply and actively participate in every truth found in the Word of God—which is truth!
Don’t allow yourself to sink into the morass of conventional Christianity, plodding hip-deep through muddy tradition while trying desperately to measure up to the expectations of others.
Dare to walk on Water!  Determine today to become a creative Christian.

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I appreciate hearing from you.  Contact me with your thoughts at:
            Robert Allen
The Bible Story Family
            P.O Box 28342
            Minneapolis, MN 55428-3351


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