
Showing posts from January, 2018

Newsletter 3 Kicking the Devil Where it Hurts

KICKING THE DEVIL WHERE IT HURTS! ** It has been far too long. The time has come to kick the devil where it hurts. As the people of God we have yielded territory to the evil one which we ought to be claiming for the King. Not everyone agrees, but many would argue that Satan possesses almost complete control of the following areas: Television sit-coms Hollywood movies Romance novels Popular music Surrender? So what should we do? Surrender? Retreat into our comfort zones and associate only with people who think just like we do? Maybe we should build Christian enclaves or go sit on a pillar in the desert for thirty-seven years like Simon Stylites. Secede? What we HAVE done is secede from the United States of Humanity by creating Christian TV, Christian movies, Christian romances, Christian music, and Christian political correctness. Attack! It’s time to go on the