Newsletter 3 Kicking the Devil Where it Hurts


It has been far too long. The time has come to kick the devil where it hurts. As the people of God we have yielded territory to the evil one which we ought to be claiming for the King. Not everyone agrees, but many would argue that Satan possesses almost complete control of the following areas:
Television sit-coms
Hollywood movies
Romance novels
Popular music
So what should we do? Surrender? Retreat into our comfort zones and associate only with people who think just like we do? Maybe we should build Christian enclaves or go sit on a pillar in the desert for thirty-seven years like Simon Stylites.
What we HAVE done is secede from the United States of Humanity by creating Christian TV, Christian movies, Christian romances, Christian music, and Christian political correctness.
It’s time to go on the attack. Time to take back the ground we have so often surrendered to the enemy. The watchwords for our attack need to be EXCELLENCE and CREATIVITY. If we are to defeat the enemy in territory he has occupied for years, our efforts must be better and more unique than anything Satan has to offer. Think what could be offered to a world in need by a church committed to those two goals. Think how committed Christians could change the world.
Those God gifts with humor -- write outstanding situation comedies, better than anything television audiences have ever seen. An audience exists which is hungry for laughter that does not make you cringe.
Actors, producers, directors and writers, talented and desirous of glorifying God through the medium of film -- change the environment of the movie industry. The influence of top-notch, extraordinary, big-screen mega-hits would attract crowds who see portrayals of positive role models motivating them toward national greatness.
Authors -- look beyond the religious market. Every genre of literature can be redeemed, and not just by throwing in a verse once in awhile. Develop a Western hero who refuses to live by the code of frontier injustice. Create a strong romantic heroine who retains her purity for all the right reasons and still discovers true love. Write a young adult book with characters known for integrity, battling cultural norms determined to destroy faith in God. Bring to life a fantasy world inhabited by creatures exhibiting uncommon super powers while depending entirely on the Holy Spirit for wisdom. Transport Sci-fi readers to a mythical universe, where a stranded space traveler encounters a totally alien culture and seeks to communicate the gospel, not sure the aliens even possess souls.
Have you noticed how performers present a squeaky-clean, even Christianized version of themselves to appeal to the pre-teen crowd, only to throw off all restraints when they leave the teen scene? Break the mold! Become the best while refusing to join those who believe only shock-value sells.
It won’t be easy. We battle against “the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12 ESV). But we also know that “the battle is the Lord’s” (I Samuel 17:47 ESV). Only by changing our tactics from surrender and secede to attack will we ever start kicking the devil where it hurts.

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