
Showing posts from November, 2018

A Child's Thanksgiving

A CHILD'S THANKSGIVING   Any number children can be used in this program.   Each section is marked with Child One, Two, Three, or Four simply as a means of identifying different voices. Child One:                            It’s Thanksgiving. Child Two:                            I’m thankful for a piece of pumpkin pie. Child Three:                         I’m thankful for a piece of turkey and dressing. Child Four:                           I’m just thankful for a peace. One, Two and Three:           A piece of what? Child Four:                           A peace like a river. SING:     “I’ve Got Peace Like a River” Child One:                            Sing unto the Lord Child Two:                            With Thanksgiving Child Three:                         Sing praise Child Four:                           Unto our God                    (Psalm 147:7) SING:     “I’ve Got a River of Life” Child One:                            My gr

Babel Boom and Bust

BABEL BOOM AND BUST Seba rose early that morning to survey the building site before work began for the day.   Within the hour the place would be buzzing like a bee hive with thousands of slaves hauling bricks and mixing mortar to keep hundreds of masons busy through twelve to fourteen hours of daylight.   His brother Nimrod would have worked them all through the night if there had been any way to do it.   Even so, the sheer volume of workers involved in the building of the tower produced outstanding progress.   In just over twelve months they were up to the seventh level—half-way to the top.             The seventh level.   The Seba layer.   Today they would start on the portion of the tower which assured his immortality.   Every brick in the entire level would be marked with his name enclosed in the circle of eternity.   Slaves had been making his bricks for weeks, no expense being spared.   He had watched the piles rise higher and higher as brick after brick came out of the kilns