
Showing posts from October, 2019

Creative Like God

“You can’t be creative like God,” people have told me since I started this Creativity Blog two years ago.   “He created out of nothing.   Everything man creates comes from the elements and materials He originally placed into the universe.” They are right.   We cannot create something out of nothing.   But I would suggest that everything we do create is patterned after those original God-created structures.   He provides the model for all that mankind seeks to produce.   The fact that we never quite measure up to His creativity does not provide an excuse for not trying.   We should model our creative endeavors after God. Human reasoning might argue that we do measure up and even exceed the creativity of God.   He didn’t invent television or jet airplanes or the internet or pace-makers.   “Surely the progress of man no longer depends on His original creation” they would contend. Human ingenuity and technological expertise have certainly improved living conditions on this