Creative Like God

“You can’t be creative like God,” people have told me since I started this Creativity Blog two years ago.  “He created out of nothing.  Everything man creates comes from the elements and materials He originally placed into the universe.”

They are right.  We cannot create something out of nothing.  But I would suggest that everything we do create is patterned after those original God-created structures.  He provides the model for all that mankind seeks to produce.  The fact that we never quite measure up to His creativity does not provide an excuse for not trying.  We should model our creative endeavors after God.

Human reasoning might argue that we do measure up and even exceed the creativity of God.  He didn’t invent television or jet airplanes or the internet or pace-makers.  “Surely the progress of man no longer depends on His original creation” they would contend.

Human ingenuity and technological expertise have certainly improved living conditions on this earth.  It is hard for us to imagine a world without mass transportation, air conditioning and indoor plumbing.  But the question remains, have we exceeded God’s creative abilities or simply made variations of His original plans?

Let’s look at three examples.

Eyesight has definitely been enhanced through corrective lenses.  The telescope has extended the reach of the human eye into space.  The microscope has enabled the eye to observe the smallest parts of the universe.  But no one has ever come up with a replacement for the eye.  None of the variations to our ability to see have made God’s original creation of the eye obsolete.

Skin whether keeping our insides in, or protecting an apple or orange has been often imitated.  Coverings of plastic have assumed almost every shape by means of Tupperware, but nothing conforms to the shape of living creatures like God-created skins.  We cover our bodies with an infinite variety of man-made materials, but none of them grow with us or heal themselves when scratched or cut.  Bandaids and mesh may imitate skin, but not exceed what God made.

Voice still remains the most versatile, flexible and beautiful instrument known to man.  Flutes, oboes, bassoons and violins are complimented through a comparison to vocal excellence.  And percussion?  Have you heard the beat-boxers with Pentatonix or Home Free?  Enough said.  Best of all, while a Stradivarius Violin may cost 45 million dollars, God gives every person a voice for free.
The fact that God created should inspire us to create as well. Use all the raw materials He has provided and produce better and greater instruments, coverings and lenses all for His glory.  Be imitators of God.  Be creative.


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