Creative Fiction


Creative Fiction


            The number of new books published annually in the United States has exploded to over one million.  With more than 13 million previously published books still available, most analysts suggest that “the marketplace is not able to absorb all these books and is hugely oversaturated”

            On the other hand, it has never been easier to get a book published.  Self-published volumes amounted to over 700,000 in 2015.  The market has changed so rapidly that many of today’s new books are selling only to the author’s and publisher’s communities.  It is authors who do most of the marketing of new books rather than publishers.  They do that through the creation of a personal platform which might involve any or all of the following:

            A big, 50-stop speaking tour.

            Becoming a high-profile TV personality, movie star or singer.

            Becoming best friends with the producer who books guests for the Today Show.

            Writing for the New York Times, TIME magazine or some other well- known publication.

            Developing a huge online following for a blog, social media page or email list.

            Hand selling books on the street.

            (These ideas are adapted from an online post by Tim Grahl.  Check out his book, “Your First 1000 Copies” available on

            So why would anyone want to spend time writing a book, especially fiction?  Simply because that may be what God has designed you to do as a creative Christian.  After all, Jesus used parables to communicate His thoughts. 

DARE to walk on water through the creation of fiction that brings glory to His name.  Consider any and all of the genres which you personally enjoy reading.

1.      Children’s Literature.  Write a children’s book which confronts the problem of cyber-bullying.  Create a character who comes to the defense of victims at great personal loss.  Demonstrate the unceasing love of God through the actions of a child determined to serve others on His behalf, no matter what the cost.

2.      Westerns.  Develop a Western hero who refuses to live by the code of frontier justice with lynchings, gunfighting and vigilante trials. Show how a biblical moral code can be applied in a society where “might” too often makes “right”.  Reveal the struggles and victories of a rugged individual who seeks to please God in a society usually described as the “Wild West.”

3.      Romance.  In contrast to the immorality of modern day romances, create a strong female character who retains her purity for all the right reasons and still discovers true love.  Show how God blesses couples who honor His standards and desire to please Him in their relationships.  Explore the emotions and faith journeys of those who struggle to maintain biblical standards in a culture which too often mocks morality while claiming to admire it.  Reveal the hypocrisy of those who laud the practice of sexual freedom between consenting adults while at the same time extolling the beauty of happily-ever-after monogamy in marriage.

4.      Chick Lit. Write a young adult book with a heroine known for her integrity as she goes to battle with cultural norms determined to draw her away from faith in God.

5.      Fantasy.  Create a super hero who exhibits uncommon strength but continues to depend entirely on the Holy Spirit for both energy and guidance.  (Imagine a modern day Samson before he met Delilah.)  Illustrate the biblical truth that strength can be found in weakness when trouble teaches us to trust completely in the power of God.

6.       Sci-Fi.  Transport your readers to a mythical world where a stranded space traveler encounters a totally alien culture and seeks for possible methods of communicating the gospel, not sure that those with whom he is interacting even possess a soul.

Excerpted from DARE TO WALK ON WATER:CREATIVE LIKE GOD, Available from as an ebook or paperback.


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