You may find yourself reacting negatively to the idea that we can be creative like God. After all, He created out of nothing (Hebrews 11:3) and we certainly cannot do that. Everything God created was good (Genesis 1:31) and we make mistakes in spite of our best efforts. The worlds God created declare His glory (Psalm 19:1) while the creations of mankind often dim His glory.

But consider this. We are told to be holy as God is holy (I Peter 1:16) even though we will never attain divine holiness except through the indwelling of Christ. We are told to love as God loves (John 15:12) while understanding that our love will never equal the perfection of that attribute in Him. So why should we not aspire to be creative like God?

As imitators of God (Ephesians 5:1) we can in some sense of the word create out of nothing. Think of the worlds fashioned by the writings of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Narnia did not exist before being created by the mind of its author.

It is also possible for us to imitate God’s creativity by seeking to craft what is good, whether in words, inventions or art. The mind of man has certainly proved capable of originating much that is cruel, wicked and perverse. But as believers we can make it our goal to not only do the best work possible, but also design products which achieve good in the lives of those who use, read or observe them.

Like God we can also create for His glory. In fact, we have been commanded to do all to His glory (I Corinthians10:31). “All” certainly must include the creative arts. Let’s determine as those who know God to dedicate ourselves to glorifying Him in every endeavor we undertake.

Create out of nothing - imagination.

Create what is good – inspiration.

Create what glorifies Him – adoration.

We can be creative like God.


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