JEOPARDY Methods of Bible Study

“Jeopardy” remains one of the few television shows watched regularly at the Allen house. Perhaps that explains why I have discerned some methods of Bible study prompted by constant viewing of the “answers and questions” format of the popular show.

There are people who consider the necessity of Bible study only when they are in jeopardy. If a big enough problem arises, they go to the scriptures. Otherwise, seeking wisdom from God apparently takes too much effort. That is a “Jeopardy” method of Bible study I would not recommend.

The method I would recommend stems from the “answers and questions” format popularized by the program. All the clues are presented in the form of answers and all responses must be in the form of questions. Using that method would dramatically alter the way we approach scripture.

Too often we come to the Bible with a question, searching for an answer to that specific question. However, the Bible does not have the answers to all our questions. It doesn’t tell us where to go to school, what career we should pursue or even where we should live.

The Bible does tell us to “do all to the glory of God” (I Corinthians 10:31). Knowing that answer should help us phrase our questions. How will my school choice bring glory to God? How can I glorify God in my chosen career field? What can I do to live for the glory of God in my neighborhood?

How much better it would be to go to the Bible for answers and then choose the questions we ask on the basis of those answers. Find out what the Bible does say, rather than looking for what it doesn’t say. Only then will you know the truth which sets you free.



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