Annual Thanksgiving Quiz

We have less than two weeks before Thanksgiving. It is time for the annual Bible Story Family Thanksgiving Quiz. Use this with your family before the big meal and they will have another reason to give thanks when you quit asking questions.

1.       Which Indian tribe joined the Pilgrims for their first Thanksgiving? (Wampanoag)

2.       Which Southern state adopted a Thanksgiving Day in 1855? (Virginia)

3.       Which President was the first to pardon a turkey? (Harry Truman)

4.       How many days did the first Pilgrim Thanksgiving last? (three)

5.       Which state raises and sells the most turkeys? (Minnesota)

6.       What do Koreans cook during Chuseok, their Thanksgiving? (Rice cakes)

7.       How many women attended the first Pilgrim Thanksgiving? (Five)

8.       The first ever Thanksgiving was held by the Pilgrims? True or False (False)

9.       All turkeys gobble? True or False (False, only males)

10.   President Calvin Coolidge received what animal as a Thanksgiving gift? (Raccoon)

11.   What meat is the most popular alternative to turkey onThanksgiving? (Ham)

12.   A female turkey is called a hen or a what? (Jenny)

13.   What company had extra turkeys and invented TV dinners? (Swanson)

14.   Only two men wrote about the 1621 Thanksgiving. Who were they? (Edward Winslow and William Bradford)

15.   How many days did it take the Mayflower to cross the Atlantic? (sixty-six)

16.   Who made the first Thanksgiving parade balloons? (Tony Sarg)

17.   Where can you go to find out why your turkey meal didn’t turn out the way you expected? (Butterball Turkey Talk-line)

18.   Why did President Roosevelt’s attempt to move Thanksgiving to earlier in order to give more time for Christmas shopping not work? (It angered football coaches)

19.   What is the percentage of white meat in a fifteen pound turkey? (70%)

20.   Jingle Bells was originally a Thanksgiving song, written to be used on what occasion? (A Boston Sunday School celebration)



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