All books are available on Amazon.com or from

The Bible Story Family, PO Box 28342, Minneapolis, Mn 55428


Sunday in New York: A Dynamic and Riveting Story    The 1917 Billy Sunday New York City revival.

            Publisher: CrossLink  Kindle: 4.99    Paperback: 11.95

 Revival in the Rockies: Politics, Rodeo and Southern Gospel  Romance, Revival and Reagan-era intrigue.

            Publisher: Wipf and Stock Resource  Kindle: 9.99    Paperback: 16.00

 Megachurch: World-wide Revival                              World-wide revival in the future.

            Publisher: Wipf and Stock Resource Kindle: 9.99     Price: 17.00


Genesis: A Narrative Exposition                                Commentary on Genesis in a narrative style.

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 9.99                 Paperback: 20.00

 Dare to Walk on Water: Transformed by God           Bible study about sanctification.

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 7.99                 Paperback: 12.99

 Dare to Walk on Water: Serving God                        Bible study about service.

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 7.99                 Paperback: 12.99

 Dare to Walk on Water: Treasuring God                   Bible study about God’s attributes.

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 7.99                 Paperback: 12.99

 Dare to Walk on Water: Creative Like God               Bible study about creative Christianity.

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 7.99                 Paperback: 12.99

 Dare to Walk on Water: The Workbook                     Bible study about how to study.

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 7.99                 Paperback: 12.99


Josiah: The Prince, the Priest, and the Prophet         Biography of the Old Testament King Josiah.

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 5.00                 Paperback: 12.00

 Joash, Boy King of Judah                                           Biography of Old Testament King Joash

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 5.00                 Paperback: 12.00

 Star Queen of Persia                                                  Biography of Esther, Queen of Persia

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 3.00                 Paperback: 5.00

 Still Climbing: In His Own Words                              Biography of Dr. Arthur Allen

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 4.99                 Paperback: 9.99

 Billy Sunday: Homerun to Heaven                             Junior age biography of Billy Sunday

            Publisher: Mott Media                                    Paperback: 8.99

 Daniel Webster: Defender of the Union                     Junior age biography of Daniel Webster

            Publisher: Mott Media                                    Paperback: 8.99

 William Jennings Bryan: Golden-Tongued Orator    Junior age biography of William J. Bryan

            Publisher: Mott Media                                    Paperback: 8.99

 Arise Ye Sons and Daughters                                      Pillsbury College alumni biographies

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 3.99                 Paperback: 9.99


Christmas Rejoicing: Piano Quartet                          Arranged for eight hands by Carmen Allen

            Publisher: TBSF                                             Paperback: 7.00


The Storyteller’s Bible                                                The story of scripture arranged for four voices.

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 9.99                 Paperback: 15.00

 Speaking the Word                                                      Scriptures for the Speaking Choir

            Publisher: CSS Publishing                              Paperback: $7.95

 Character Needed                                                       Bible Drama scripts for kids

            Publisher: Regular Baptist Press                     Paperback: $19.99

 Bible Kids Speak Up                                                   Thirty-Six video scripts for young people

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 4.99                 Paperback: 9.99

 The Fruit of the Spirit Goes West                               Short stories and skits on the Fruit of the Spirit

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 2.99                 Paperback: 4.99

 The Seven Deadly Sins Go West                                  Short stories and skits on the seven deadly sins.

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 2.99                 Paperback: 4.99

 The Frumious Bandersnatch                                      A youth musical about friendship and bullying.        

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 9.99                Paperback: 9.99

 Don’t Give Up the Script                                            Writing dramas for church

            Publisher: Meriwether                                    Paperback: $12.95


The Write Book for Christian Families                      Teaching children to write.

            Publisher: Bob Jones University Press           Paperback: $8.99

 Smoky, The Cheating Dragon                                     An illustrated children’s story

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 3.99                 Paperback: 10.00

 Wolfgang, the Well-Mannered Lobster                      An illustrated children’s story

            Publisher: TBSF         Ebook: 3.99                 Paperback: 10.00


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