Christmas Quiz from the Bible Story Family



1.      What are the traditional names given to the three wise men? Balthazar, Melchoir and Kaspar

2.      What is decorating with holly thought to represent at Christmas? The crown of thorns with drops of blood.

3.      How many years are Christmas trees usually grown before they are sold? Fifteen.

4.      Why were Mary and Joseph in Bethlehem when Jesus was born? The census called for people to return to their home town to be counted.

5.      What is the best-selling Christmas song? Bing Crosby’s “White Christmas.”

6.      How long did it take Handel to write the “Messiah?” 24 days.

7.      What instrument was used the first time Mohr and Gruber sang their new song “Silent Night?” Guitar

8.      Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” was published December 19, 1843. How soon was the first edition sold out? By Christmas Eve, five days later.

9.      What do children in Argentina leave out on Christmas Eve instead of hanging stockings? Their shoes to be filled with presents.

10.  How many miles did Mary and Joseph travel to get to Bethlehem? Eighty.

11.  What was the name of the angel who visited Mary before Jesus was born? Gabriel

12.  What was the name of the angel who visited Joseph before Jesus was born?

Matthew doesn’t give his name.

13.  Which Old Testament prophet predicted where Jesus would be born? Micah

14.  What word best describes the occupation of the Magi? Astrologers

15.  What unpopular Christmas character is never mentioned in the Bible? The Innkeeper.

16.  What was the name of Mary’s relative, John the Baptist’s mother? Elizabeth.

17.  What did the relatives of John want to call him when he was born? Zacharias.

18.  How did John’s father explain that he was to be called John? He wrote a note.

19.  What prophetess met Mary and Joseph in the temple when they took Jesus to be presented to God? Anna.

20.  How old was Jesus when he was circumcised? Eight days.

21.  What did the Magi called Jesus when talking to Herod? The King of the Jews.

22.  Jesus came from which one of the twelve tribes of Israel? Judah.

23.  How many centuries before the birth of Jesus did Isaiah prophesy that he would be born of a virgin? Seven

24.  Who was older, Jesus or John the Baptist? John, by six months.

25.  How did the angels identify the place of Jesus’ birth to the shepherds? The City of David


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