While attending a performance by the Minnesota Orchestra, I was overwhelmed by an appreciation of God’s common grace to mankind.

Pacho Flores was the featured soloist, playing not only the trumpet, but also the cornet and flugelhorn. His virtuosity excelled in compositions by Roberto Sierra and Pablo de Sarasate. The orchestra was under the direction of guest conductor Domingo Hindayan.

I was moved by their creativity and skill. The music may not have been appropriate for a Sunday church worship service, but the fact that God created music for our enjoyment and endowed each of them with the talent I heard displayed, caused for me a tremendous appreciation for His common grace.

To my detriment, I have too often viewed the achievements of humanity through the lens of Proverbs 21:4, “a haughty look, a proud heart, and the plowing of the wicked are sin” while forgetting that God also “sends rain on the just and the unjust” (Matt. 5:45). Even the works of the unsaved farmers can, through the grace of God, produce an abundant harvest. We profit from such harvests every time we sit down to eat.

It is even possible to reason that some individuals who use God’s gifts to mankind for evil are, in spite of themselves, showing forth His glory and grace. They could not use writing, and drama, and film, and even politics for evil except for the fact that they have been given their abilities and talents by the Creator.

We enjoy the benefits of common grace in every area of life. Sports, architecture, technology, music, drama, literature, art, media, and every other accomplishment of mankind owes its origin to the fact that we have been made in the image of God. Let’s not allow those who deny that reality rob us of our pleasure in the fact that “every good gift and every perfect gift is from above” (James 1:17).

Exalt God by enjoying all that He has allowed mankind to accomplish through common grace.


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