And baby makes eight!


You may remember the story from an earlier blog post: our niece Kim and her husband began adoption proceedings and quickly grew to a family of seven. Five siblings came to them from various states where they had been in foster care. Kim and Kevin welcomed them into a loving home, choosing to keep the brothers and sister together as a family unit.


In addition to taking on the sudden responsibility of a large family, Kim found herself needing surgery for a goiter which was severely impacting her oxygen intake. Then they received word that another sibling would be born in April of 2024. Their hearts longed to add the new boy to their expanding family, but health, finances, and the lack of more room in their SUV seemed to say no.


After the surgery, Kim found out she could breathe again, and the outlook began to change.  It was time to make room for eight. When the already-loved baby arrived, Kim went to the hospital while Kevin drove to Florida to pick up a bench seat for their SUV which made room for one more car seat.


So BABY makes eight!


We have visited in the home of the Plymels and seen the way they love and share that love with their instant family. The changes have been large and not always easy, but six children have been welcomed into loving arms and are being raised in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. 


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