Some of us are old enough to remember reel-to-reel tape players, eight-tracks, cassettes, walk-mans, and CDs. Some of the latest cars are coming out with media players sourced from a USB port. 

The Bible Story Family has responded to the trend with STORY STICKS. Six hour-long storytelling experiences are available on individual flash drives. You don’t even have to own a new car. They can be played on any device that includes a USB port.

Four exciting Bible stories and four challenging character stories are included on each volume. That means children will enjoy a full hour of storytelling narrated by voices they recognize. Stories for KIDS, by KIDS. They are guaranteed to be listened to over and over again.

In addition, all six volumes can be purchased on one flash drive. Six hours of storytelling, forty-eight stories in all. 

STORY STICKS can be purchased from the Bible Story Family, P.O. Box 28342, Minneapolis, MN 55428. 

Volume One $5.00

The Unemployed Angel. Someone’s at the Door.

The Anything Box. Philemon.

The Super Friend. Jairus’ Daughter.

The Runt. Zacchaeus.

Volume Two $5.00

Better Than Medicine. David’s Merry Day.

A River of Foolishness. Building the Wall.

Forsaking The Way. The End of Samson.

The Worthless Sacrifice. A Gift to God.

Volume Three $5.00

Trusting God. The Lost Lamb.

The Soft Answers. Isaac, the Well-Digger.

The Trouble with Money. The Rich Young Ruler.

Tangled Tongues. The Stoning of Stephen.

Volume Four $5.00

A Dinner of Mudpies. Jacob and Esau.

Don’t Blame the Chickens. Saul Loses His Temper.

Go To the Wise. The Wisdom Test.

Falling into Thorns. Noah.

Volume Five $5.00

The Race. Rich Young Ruler.

The Fool. The Martyr.

The Proud Father. The House on the Sand.

Beholding the Good. God Meant it for Good.

Volume Six $5.00

The Bad Day. Miriam’s Good Day.

The Problem with Prayer. Too Tired to Pray.

Funny or Foolish? Absalom’s Folly.

Feeding on Reading. Burning the Book.

Volume 48 – All 48 stories $25.00


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