
Showing posts from August, 2019

I Hear You But I Don't Understand

I HEAR YOU BUT I DON’T UNDERSTAND! A post from “Life of Fred Math” which claimed to be a limerick totally flummoxed me until provided with a translation.   I needed a math interpreter to help me understand.             A dozen, a gross, and a score             Plus three times the square root of four             Divided by seven             Plus five times eleven             Is nine squared and not a bit more. The need for interpretation has long been accepted as a given for cross-cultural communication.   Unless you can speak to someone in their language, understanding proves extremely limited, consisting of smiles, gestures and facial expression.   Missionaries often spend the first years of their assignment in language study. Post-modernism has brought our own nation to a place of such spiritual illiteracy that translation is almost a necessity when sharing the gospel.   Biblical language has become a type of jargon understood only by those who attend church.


Axe Heads or Fire Balls? Elijah called down fire from heaven. Elisha caused an axe head to float. By witnessing Elijah’s ascension into heaven in whirlwind, accompanied by a chariot of fire (fire again) and horses of fire (fire again), Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s spirit. Did Elisha waste that double portion on small miracles? We have an inclination to measure our spiritual success against the accomplishments of others. Small miracles just don’t measure up to the achievements of the firebrands whose stories are lauded at national conferences. Our rescue of axe heads only profits one single Christian worker who is able to continue with the job to which God called him or her. The firebrands grand achievements and fiery displays impact thousands. Fire from heaven deserves headlines. Elijah called down fire from heaven to the glory of God. Elisha caused an axe head to float to the glory of God. Honor the firebrands, but don’t envy them. Be con

Wanting to Pray

Wanting to Pray Following a recent hospital stay a change was observed in my wife’s 98-year-old mother. She still remained the gracious, godly woman she had always been. But she quit asking! Apparently the experience of being waited on hand and foot had removed from her the desire to ask her daughters and other home caregivers for what she needed. But she reckoned without the persistence she herself had passed on to her children. They were determined to help her remember once again the importance of asking. Even when they knew exactly what she needed, it was necessary to her own well-being to put her needs into words. We often make the same mistake when we grow old in faith. Why pray when God already knows what we need? It is important to our spiritual well-being to WANT. When an elderly person arrives at the place where they no longer express any wants, it indicates a lack of interest in having a provider. The hospital provider was seen as performing a duty. Th

Reading the Word

Reading the Word It’s Sunday morning and the atmosphere in the church auditorium is charged with a worshipful sense of expectancy. The organist has prepared a prelude based on the theme from “To God Be The Glory.” The choir is excited about sharing a new rendition of “Praise Ye The Lord, the Almighty,” arranged for them by a talented young church musician. The pianist has chosen “Majesty” for the offertory. The worship leader has selected hymns which focus the hearts of the worshippers on exalting God, preparing them for the minister’s announced message of the day, “Try Praise” based on Psalm 145. A soloist has practiced diligently and is singing, “My Tribute” which continues the theme. A small chamber orchestra will play “Thine Be the Glory.” A reverent hush settles over the assembly as souls and minds are quieted and centered on worship. Then, just before the message, the time arrives which is described in the order of service as the Responsive Reading. Suddenly


ANYTHING GOES? OR WE'VE NEVER DONE IT THAT WAY BEFORE? Senator Barry Goldwater ran for President in 1964 with the campaign slogan “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice, moderation in pursuit of justice is no virtue.”    The landslide victory of Lyndon Johnson may have sounded the death knell for that maxim.   However, a similar idea still exists when Christian Creativity interacts with today’s church.   The phraseology used has none of the same eloquence but the two opposite boundaries are just as firmly established.   On the extremism side sit those who are convinced that ANYTHING GOES.   The moderation side is occupied by the WE’VE NEVER DONE IT THAT WAY BEFORE people. The reason these opponents face off so readily for battle stems from their attitude toward change.   One side believes that change is always for the best while the other side argues that change is necessarily evil.   Both are wrong. God is unchangeable and the Word of God never changes.   But