
Showing posts from May, 2021

Creative Stories for Two-year-olds

  CREATIVE STORIES FOR TWO-YEAR-OLDS “I like to ask myself—what if I were hearing this Bible story for the first time ever?” Chris Allen, who writes curriculum for Eagle Brook Church, has been given the responsibility of writing stories for two-year-olds. For the next fifty-five weeks those stories will be shared with children too young to read, but not too young to learn. “I truly believe that a child’s perspective on God, faith, and the church is often formed by this age,” says Allen. “By telling these stories in ways that kids remember and understand, we are communicating to them that God is reaching out to them in this amazing story.” In order to tell Bible stories in a way which a two-year-old will remember, a variety of approaches are used. The account is read to them in words they understand. A graphics department creates large pictures which appeal to their eye-gate. Sound effects are often incorporated into the storytelling. Acting out the story may follow as a group a


  CREATIVE SERVICE I had the privilege recently of writing a series of short devotions for the spring choir tour of Fourth Baptist Christian School. The devotions were based on four of the songs they were singing on tour. Then I was asked to write a choric reading for the Tween Choir from First Baptist Church of Maxwell, Nebraska, where we ministered for many years. They needed a reading based on the names of God in the song “El Shaddai.” You will find that Reader’s Theatre script below which you are welcome to use as well. If your church or school needs specific, original, dramatic or devotional materials, let me know. That is what I have been doing for over fifty years and I would love to be of service to you as well. It is always a joy to be of service to the church of the Living God. THE NAMES OF GOD – READER’S THEATER Based on the song “El Shaddai.” The designations of DARK and LIGHT can be used in two ways. DARK can refer to the male voices and LIGHT to the female v


 You may find yourself reacting negatively to the idea that we can be creative like God. After all, He created out of nothing (Hebrews 11:3) and we certainly cannot do that. Everything God created was good (Genesis 1:31) and we make mistakes in spite of our best efforts. The worlds God created declare His glory (Psalm 19:1) while the creations of mankind often dim His glory. But consider this. We are told to be holy as God is holy (I Peter 1:16) even though we will never attain divine holiness except through the indwelling of Christ. We are told to love as God loves (John 15:12) while understanding that our love will never equal the perfection of that attribute in Him. So why should we not aspire to be creative like God? As imitators of God (Ephesians 5:1) we can in some sense of the word create out of nothing. Think of the worlds fashioned by the writings of C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien. Narnia did not exist before being created by the mind of its author. It is also possible for u